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We can provide complete Management Services.
  • Strategic Planning - Bringing our broad and diverse experience and our exposure to an extensive universe of non-profit organizations, OES Management is able to advise decision makers on the efficacy of the organizations initiatives, strategy, and long-term plans, guidance that can make that planning timely and successful.

  • Budgeting - We understand that accurate budgeting is central to the long-term welfare of any organization.  The key to reliable budgeting is a complete understanding of reasonable cost and expenditure, and realistic projections of revenue.  OES Management is able to draw upon both general business and non-profit knowledge to assist in developing  reliable budgets.

  • Benchmarking - Drawing from our exposure to and contacts with a wide universe of organizations, we are able to advise you organization on budget performance and other key metrics against an objective standard.

  • Board and Officer Training - Training in all the different aspects of organizational oversight, from how to read financial statements to parliamentary procedure, we can train in an informal, advisory capacity or by formal classes.  

  • Procedural and Protocol - We can provide key advice on Roberts Rules of Order and organizational governance limiting organizational and board member exposure to liability and legality issues. 

  • Governmental Interface - OES Management is able to assist with compliance, governmental initiatives, and legislative lobbying. 

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